50/52 Time makes fools

This was an attempt to take a close up shot of an object with my Bessa L. I measured the distance between the watch and the camera lens with a tape measure to set the focus. Unfortunately, the size of the watch in the frame was pretty small so I have greatly enlarged it.

If you’ve been paying attention you’ll have noticed that I am furiously posting three pictures in an attempt to finish off my 52 project. Oh, I’ve got excuses; a shortage of film, poor light, lack of motivation but basically, I let time get the better of me.

49/52 On the Edge

I’ve discovered that I have a thing for people with a sky background. I wonder where that came from…

The Morning Tog

Northern Light

Only the first picture was taken on film. I’d really like to be able to re-create these kind of images on film. This may be a task for 2012.

Bessa L

The first picture was taken with the Bessa L. Imagine a camera without an LCD display to show you what you got. Imagine a camera with no viewfinder to know what you’re getting.