51/52 Liquor and Whores


Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian TV show that follows the exploits of a couple of dope-growing, shopping-cart stealing, kitty-loving characters. I really enjoyed the TV series and when I heard they were coming to town I had to go and see them. They were in the Olympia in Dublin for three nights and they seemed to have a lot of fun while they were here.

The show was great, it was amazing to see the characters in the flesh and in the case of Randy, there was a lot of flesh. The trailer park supervisor, Lahey, was the bad guy, liquored up trying to spoil Ricky and Julian’s fun. In the end, Bubbles manages to hold it all together and finished it all off with a rendition of “Liquor and Whores” though he did stray into George Michael’s “Faith” on the way.


I brought my Bessa 46 with me loaded with HP5 in the hope that I might be able to grab a shot of the boys in action. It folded up neatly in my pocket and seems to have performed nicely.